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Reiki Treatment
Workshop Level 1

Essenian Healing Workshop Level 1 - 2

Healing Stones

If you feel you want to do high energy healings for people and you are attracted by the energy of the stones, you are ready to participate in the Essenian Workshops. If you want to know more about the Essenian Healings, Click HERE

Essenian Workshop Level 1

The first Workshop is for the Essenian Healings Level 1, you will learn how to perform 3 healings:

  1. Water Healing

  2. Mental Healing

  3. Organ And Soft Tissue Pain Healing

It is not needed to be initiated in Reiki to participate in the Level 1 Workshop, although it is always good to raise your energy in this time on Earth.

You will learn about:

  • Power of the Stones

  • Essenian method of cleaning and tuning them up

  • Power of Love

  • Power of our Thoughts.

When you complete this 2-days Workshop, you will receive the diploma of Essenian Healer Level 1 and a set of 17 selected stones used for these sacred healings. You can begin directly to exercise these healings on other people and, after a certain point, you can also practice 2 of these healings on yourself. 

There are no minimum requirements to participate in this Workshop, besides starting to give these Healings to other people after the Workshop, for energy-exchange, which money also is.
Maximum groups of 4 persons.

If you want to continue with the next Workshops, Reiki Initiations are needed because it tunes up a person’s energy level. This is necessary to perform the Essenian Healings of Level 2 and the Healings of the Essenian Master Level. Besides this, it is of utmost importance that the healer is conscious through feeling to become a pure channel so that the Godly energies can do their work.

Workshop Level 2

Essenian Healing Workshop Level 2

Learn how to connect on a deeper level with your healing guide and develop more empathy as a healing tool through working with the Christ-chakra. After completing this 2-day workshop you will receive the diploma of Essenian Healer Level 2 and a set of 9 selected stones.


For this level you need a Reiki 2 Initiation, this has to do with the necassary energy potency applied during this new healing level.
You will learn the 3 Essenian Healings of Level 2:

  1. Moonwater Healing

  2. Vutecan Pain Healing

  3. Disharmony Healing

Essenian Guide Encounter

Essenian Guide Encounter

​Each person is born with an appointed spiritual Guide. These Beings of Love and Light help and protect you during your current lifetime on earth and make sure certain things happen or not. If it is in line with your soul's path and you have started to work as an Essenian Healer Level 1 and have been initiated in Reiki 1 or higher (with enough Reiki Energy), you could have an encounter with the Essenian Guide who helps you whilst performing the Essenian Healing Methods.

With help of a stone-laying in a geometrical pattern, a beautiful and loving encounter is set up during which you will see, feel or know through feeling about your Guide, know their name and how she or he manifests her- or himself with you, in order to start up communication.

A supervised training follows to improve your channeling skills.

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